Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My feet hurt from the heels

Today was my first day of work. Mostly training and orientation stuff - nothing too much to fear... until I got into the meeting and took a mental note of all the business and software terminology I was completely oblivious to. I was recommended two books to read that would keep me up to date with what all of this jargon meant (mental note to self: I'm going to challenge myself through this - I'm going to be the best student there and study everything well so I become the boss of the subject matter). This is why in movies you have confused people buying [Blank] for Dummies. I was this close to google Pricing for Dummies. Advice I gave to myself was -> take Accounting next semester.

My mentor informed me I was going to start on a project tomorrow.
"How familiar are you with excel?" he asked.
"I'm quite competent," I replied.
"Do you know *&(#*~@$?" he asked.
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I'm familiar with that one. 
"Do you know !*#&$^#@?" 
(Mental note #2: study excel)

3 o'clock hit already and by then everybody went to meetings. I stayed in my cubicle - first VERY hesitant to assist people for help I kinda did my own thing. Set up my own computer, account, checked email, logged in hours - all of that logistical stuff. I was sitting in a pool of older gentleman typing away on their computers with very focused, serious faces. All the more somewhat casually dressed folks were way down the hall. So I didn't want to come across as a bored child. I read a few pages of the recommended readings, made a to-do list -- including setting up an interview, lunch to discuss what our expectations are, etc. But I just couldn't help but feel like asking my mentors all these scheduling questions would have been bad timing. I'm trying to go with the flow- and today's flow was just "I'm busy." Everybody seems really nice and super chill tho so I'm excited about that. I can't wait to start the project tomorrow.

Challenges I faced today --- definitely not having much to do in the hours of 3-5, being asked mathematical questions in our training sessions.
Risks I took today --- talked to some intern-strangers, ask unfamiliar workers in my department whether they needed help, definitely taking initiative, not being hesitant to contribute in a meeting.
Looking forward to --- the project tomorrow, getting to sit down with my mentors to discuss our exceptions, getting to know more about the company, getting to know the interns, setting a high standard.

I AM SUPER TIRED. Been up for 18 hours and is not even 10. Good night and can't wait for what lies ahead!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The story behind a Phoenix

A phoenix, in my opinion, whether myth or true, is one of the most beautiful creatures to have been depicted in this world. A Phoenix is a sacred firebird with a vibrant plumage of gold and scarlet feathers. It lives to 500-1000 years, and when it's ready to die it builds itself a nest of twigs and burns fiercely to its demise. From its  ashes, however, a new baby phoenix arises, destined to live as long as its old self. 

A phoenix, in other words, depicts rebirth and renewal - things that we as humans long for more in life. We value this bird's ability to let go of its past and renew itself as it enters the future. We tell ourselves that we're reborn from our mistakes and failures, that poor decisions help us better ourselves as we face a new tomorrow. However, we forget that a phoenix's lifespan is only as good as its previous owner. The past, in other words, inevitably becomes the bird's future. The only difference lies in how the phoenix chooses to live in that same timeframe. 

I decided to create a blog under the name One Phoenix to see how I can renew myself this summer, without having to let go of my past. I've always thought the two were mutually exclusive. I'll be flying to South Korea for two weeks, before I come back to the scorching sun in Houston, TX to work. I want to pen down my thoughts, encounters and epiphanies that arise from my experiences. I want to discover myself spiritually, professionally and emotionally. Till I have something else to share...