Monday, June 27, 2011

Are you ready to grow your baby?

"Your business if your baby."

This is one of the taglines for Design at Work, a local Houston advertising company. So what's with the random baby?

Two years ago, I sent my resume out to a myriad of Houston advertising companies. I heard back from Design at Work, only to hear that their small size of the company limited their ability to hire interns.

Today, I found out that our marketing department works closely with this organization for their case studies and summit messages. After Dustin's site visit last week, I couldn't help but feel as though this was my chance. I asked the Director of Marketing if I could take part in their August campaign. It incorporated money growing on trees, and our company would help nurture that growth. I was so excited to see front and center what it would be like to work on a campaign, I was ECSTATIC to hear that I could work along on this project till August.

That's not the only reason I'm writing tonight. Dustin told me last week that my laidback personality could be a strength, but also serve as a crutch to this mentorship experience. He warned me not to let these 8 weeks just flow by, but to seize opportunities and really get much out of this internship. I was able to apply this philosophy to everything I did. So much of the things I do, I make decisions based on what have been done before, or what others think I should do. I never go with my gut instinct (unless I'm working alone) nor do I ever go for things. Yet I say I like to "live in the moment." I constantly worry what others think, and I get so bogged down to that idea I forget to put myself first.

I'm taking an opportunity this summer to really know how to not let opportunities slide. Yes, it might take some risks here and there, but I think it's fun when all turns out well. I'm not saying I'm a baby - although metaphorically I may be, with regards to the number of risks I've taken thus far. Either way, I think it's time for me to grow.

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